Ads on this page are placed by the server owner (Tripod) who graciously provides our free web space. DFCV does not have any control over the advertisers or their content. It has come to our attention that at least one such ad advertises dachshunds for sale. We do NOT recommend that you purchase a dog in this fashion, and would urge you to contact us for ways to purchase a quality dachshund if that is your intent.

Breeder/Puppy Referral

Several DFCV members are committed to breeding healthy pedigreed dachshunds. Show potential and pet quality puppies and retired adult showdogs may be available periodically. However, due to our members' desire to breed ONLY the best possible quality, a dachshund in the particular size, color, or variety may NOT be available without a lengthy wait. In this case, we may suggest that you be "waitlisted" with a breeder, or we may be able to refer you to other breeders in Virginia or surrounding states.
Please contact:

Sarah Getzler
(804) 706-1697
Between the hours of 10 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. US East Coast time, please.

or email at

Please put the words "Puppies" in your subject line for email requests.


DFCV does not operate a "rescue" program per se, in that we do not remove dachshunds from difficult situations for rehoming. However, we do frequently receive requests from people who would like to offer a new home to these unfortunate dogs. While we believe that a dog is a FOREVER committment, we do try to match those owners desiring a rescue dog with those who have recognized that a dachshund may not be the correct dog for their particular situation.

If you desire a rescue dachshund or if you need assistance in rehoming a dachshund currently in your care, please contact:
Sarah Getzler
(804) 706-1697
Between the hours of 10 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. only, US East Coast time, please.

Or email,

Please put the words "Rescue Referral" in the subject line of your email.

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Last Updated May 3, 2005
©2003-2005, Dachshund Fanciers of Central VA
All rights reserved. No images or text may be reproduced without the
written permission of the website owner.